5 Push Campaigns That Can Drive Real ROI for Marketers

Published on May 18, 2020/Last edited on May 18, 2020/3 min read

5 Push Campaigns That Can Drive Real ROI for Marketers
Team Braze

Since Apple first launched push notification support back in 2009, push has grown into one of the most significant messaging channels for marketers. Whether they’re simple and brief or rich and eye-catching, push notifications are a powerful way to build relationships with customers and stay in conversation with users even when they aren’t using your app.

But push is also one of the easiest messaging paths for users to opt out of. So if your customers believe they’re receiving unnecessary or irrelevant information in this channel, they might decide the notifications are irritating and not worth receiving. That’s why smart segmentation helps savvy brands send push notifications that users find relevant and valuable.

With the right insights and the right tools at your disposal, it’s possible to build push campaigns that actually get your users’ attention and drive engagement. To help you down that path, here are five push campaigns that can drive significant ROI for marketing teams:

1. Announce a sale or special promotion

If you’re running a special promotion, push notifications are a great way to inform your customers and build urgency. For instance, you might have initially reached out to your customers through email about a sale. Sending a timely push notification a few days later is a great way to let customers know that they just have only a day to take advantage of this promotion and to nudge them to make that purchase.

2. Fight against cart abandonment

Has a customer filled up their cart but never checked out? Push campaigns are a great way to remind them to complete this crucial last step—which is the sort of reminder that can have a direct impact on your brand’s bottom line. Here are a few examples of cart abandonment campaigns we love.

3. Help your users get on board

Do you have customers who’ve downloaded your app but haven’t made an account yet? Sending a push notification that welcomes customers and encourages them to continue the onboarding process is a great way to ensure a customer interacts with your brand on a continued basis.

4. Encourage in-app purchases

Say you’ve built a mobile game that has a strong base of engaged fans. That’s great and all—but you drive most of your revenue through in-app purchases. So once you’ve built a great relationship with the users of your game, consider launching a push campaign to nudge them toward that first in-app purchase.

5. Push across devices

When you think about push notifications, you probably think of a message on your smartphone. But chances are your users are engaging with your brand across devices—so investing in newer tools like web push notifications is a great way to build a broader cross-channel strategy.

Anything Else?

Want to learn more about how to make the most of push notifications as a customer engagement channel? Then check out the Braze Push Notification Guide for more information on this powerful type of messaging.

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