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JOBKOREA Boosts Engagement With Liquid Personalization

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JOBKOREA Boosts Engagement With Liquid Personalization

JOBKOREA's marketing efforts were hindered by inefficient developer collaboration, limited performance metrics, and lack of personalization capabilities. Their system mainly supported push notifications, providing only basic data without detailed insights into user behavior and conversion, resulting in time-consuming and less effective campaigns.


JOBKOREA leveraged Braze to enhance their marketing strategies through advanced segmentation, personalized messaging, A/B testing, and seamless data integration. Event-driven campaigns and Braze Liquid personalization enabled dynamic user targeting and real-time adjustments to messages.


JOBKOREA saw a 4-5X increase in average CTR after personalizing messages based on subscription length, company name, job title, desired job title, and years of experience. Conversion rates also improved with A/B-tested message configurations using in-app messaging, powered by Braze. Automated segmentation led to increased team efficiency and reduced dependencies on developers, allowing marketers to make faster, data-driven decisions.



Increase in average CTR

JOBKOREA is South Korea's premier career recruitment platform, offering real-time job postings, customized job information, instant application processes, resume and profile registration, company reviews, and salary information. With over 24 million individual members, an impressive mobile app audience, and 2.52 million resume registrations, JOBKOREA is fulfilling their mission to connect people with job opportunities.

JOBKOREA's customer engagement strategy centers on delivering personalized and relevant content to its users. Recognizing the importance of tailored messaging, JOBKOREA aims to enhance the end-user experience and engagement through strategic, data-driven campaigns.

Campaign Success With Braze

Before adopting Braze as a customer engagement platform, JOBKOREA had to rely heavily on working with her team's developer for sending push notifications, which was was a tedious process.. The marketing team also had limited performance metrics and no ability to personalize campaigns and messages. Their previous system primarily supported push notifications; it provided essential impressions and click data, but no detailed insights into user behavior and conversions. This made campaigns less efficient and time-consuming to set up and evaluate.

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Here’s how they did it:

1. Segmentation and Targeting: The team utilized the Braze platform’s event-driven campaign setup to create dynamic segments based on user behavior and custom attributes. They also specifically targeted users without resumes, personalizing messages based on subscription duration

2. Personalized Messaging: Using Liquid personalization, Job Koea customized messages —like "For the first ten days of joining JOBKOREA, competitors are getting higher salaries!"—to motivate new users to complete their resume registrations. They also sent real-time updates and dynamic adjustments based on user data

3. Automated A/B Testing: They conducted extensive A/B testing on message variations, including colors, and creative elements as well as analyzed performance metrics directly within Braze to identify and apply the most effective configurations.

4. Seamless Data Integration: They were able to integrate custom attributes and performed one-time data updates via CSV files for accurate and timely targeting. They also sent real-time updates to user attributes further enhanced message relevance and engagement

Using Braze, JOBKOREA streamlined operations, cut costs, and significantly boosted campaign engagement. Real-time updates and seamless data integration with Braze enable accurate targeting and relevant messaging that drives more impactful interactions. At the same time, there is less system downtime and issues connecting tools and data sources on the backend. This allows the team to make quick, data-driven decisions and use resources more efficiently.

Results: Higher Engagement and Efficiency

After implementing advanced features within the Braze platform, JOBKOREA achieved remarkable improvements across key metrics:

  • 4-5X increase in average click-through rate (CTR): Leveraged Liquid to implement personalized messaging based on factors like subscription length, company name on resume, job title, desired job title, and years of experience.
  • Higher conversion rates: A/B tested various message configurations using Braze to apply high CTR configurations automatically.
  • Enhanced team efficiency: Set up customer segments and A/B testing without developer help, configured custom messaging directly through Liquid, and granted viewer permissions for efficient collaboration.

Braze has allowed me to try different things as a CRM manager. Due to the nature of the IT platform, it was difficult to coordinate development schedules with multiple development projects already underway, but being able to configure personalized messages with Liquid, A/B test with color and creative variations, diversify campaigns, and review performance reports without having to ask the development team has made my job more efficient.

Eunpa Han
CRM Manager, Job Korea

Key Takeaways

  1. Personalized Messaging Increases Engagement: Tailoring messages based on user data with Braze Liquid is a great way to boost CTR and conversion rates.
  2. Automation Enhances Efficiency: Automating tasks allows marketing teams to independently set up segments and A/B tests, which streamlines operations and reduces reliance on developers.
  3. Real-Time Data Integration Improves Accuracy: Integrating real-time updates ensures precise targeting, reduces risks, and enhances overall campaign performance.

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